2018 / Honolulu, Hawaii, USA/ March 09-11, 2018
The International Conference on Big Data and Education
(ICBDE 2018), was held in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, March
09-11, 2018 successfully. Conference proceedings
published by ACM (ISBN: 978-1-4503-6358-7). It has been
indexed by EI Compendex , Scopus
and CPCI successfully.This year, the conference was addressed by
four keynote
speakers. They are Prof. Jin Wang, Valdosta State
University, USA, Prof. Liz Bacon University of
Greenwich, UK, Prof. Boyd L. Bradbury, Minnesota State
University Moorhead, USA, Prof. Murali, Krishnamurthi,
Northern Illinois University, USA, and Prof. Murali Krishnamurthi, Northern
Illinois University, USA. More than 60 participants
joint and shared their latest research with the fields
of Data Engineering, Education Technologies and
Education Management, Algorithm and Information
Technology Applications, etc.
Conference Group Photo
Keynote Speakers
Prof. Liz Bacon, University of Greenwich, UK |
Prof. Jin Wang, Valdosta State University, USA |
Prof. Murali Krishnamurthi, Northern Illinois University, USA |
Prof. Boyd L. Bradbury, Minnesota State University Moorhead, USA |
Best Presenters Awards |
2018 ISBN: 978-1-4503-6358-7
ACM Digital Library: https://dl.acm.org/doi/proceedings/10.1145/3206157
Ei Compendex